Ho‘āla Hou – High Risk Reduction
The Ho‘āla Hou Department continue to provide on-going substance free activities at various schools statewide and partner with other local agencies.

Ho‘omānea ‘Ōiwi – Employment & Training
The Ho‘omānea ‘Ōiwi Department provides outreach, intake, assessment, career counseling, work experience, occupational skills training, educational & tuition assistance, tutoring and internships.

Ka Ipu Kā‘eo – CTE & Scholarships
The Ka Ipu Kā‘eo Department consists of programs relating to fostering and furthering education for Native Hawaiians, specifically in the area of vocational, or career and technical education and training, which includes technology, natural resources, health and culinary arts.

Kūlia Like – Individual & Family Stability
Kūlia Like looks to strengthen individual’s and families’ economic situations. Services provided are to enhance skills to make financial and survival decisions towards self-sufficiency.

Kumu Kahi – Elderly Services
The mission of the Kumu Kahi Department is to advocate for and support Native Hawaiian elderly in enriching and enhancing their lives by preserving and restoring their health and well-being, sense of dignity, self-respect and cultural identity.

Ka Waihona Puke ‘Ōiwi – Native Hawaiian Library
The Ka Waihona Puke ‘Ōiwi offers library resources for adults and children. Our collections include basic references and reading material, a Native Hawaiian research collection, and a unique collection of quilt patterns.